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Quality Auto Glass Repair for Delmarva Customers

One of the reasons Proficiency Automotive has built such a stellar reputation over the years is our ability to provide our customers a wide range of services. Many repair shops stick to engines, transmissions, tires, and suspension. We take things a step further. We are proud to offer auto glass repair to our Delmarva-based customers. If you have a chip, crack, or hole in your windshield, you can rely on our team to repair the damage. All you have to do is drive your vehicle to our shop. From there, we will inspect your windshield and provide you with an honest and accurate quote. Visit our shop today to get started.

Broken car windshield glass from stone

We Offer Comprehensive Windshield & Glass Repairs

We offer a range of windshield and auto glass-related services to our customers. We never want to turn someone away. So we have mastered every element of glass repair to provide comprehensive service within our shop. We offer the following services:

Back Glass

While not as common as a broken windshield, sometimes your back window becomes damaged. Whether due to a break-in or an accident, you can trust our team to repair the damage. We can handle all circumstances. We always emphasize repairs over replacement, but you can expect fair prices if we have to install new glass.

Side Glass

We can perform repairs and replacements of side glass as effectively as we can windshields and back glass. If one of your windows has a crack or chip in it, we recommend resolving the issue quickly. Sometimes cracks and chips can get worse over time. Being proactive will ensure your side windows stay in tip-top shape.


Our team specializes in repairing windshields. A lot of things can damage your windshield, including flying pebbles from the road and automobile accidents. Whatever the cause or severity, you can count on our professionals to mend your windshield. As with side windows, you never want to wait on windshield repairs.

Window Motors, Regulators, & Switches

Besides repairing glass, our team also fixes the electrical elements that control your side windows. If your automatic window controls are not working, you should visit our shop. We will run diagnostics and figure out what is wrong. We can fix the problem with a simple part replacement in many cases.

You Can Trust Us to Be Fair & Honest

Our owner has worked in the auto industry his entire life. Over the years, he learned the importance of quality customer service. When we started in 2010, we put our experiences to good use. We also emphasize fairness and honesty. We never push a replacement where a repair makes sense. Our team always does good work, and we continue to grow as professionals. You can trust us with windshield repair.

Visit Our Shop Today for Superb Auto Repairs